Towards Just Recovery: Assistance to Owners without Formal Titles
After the hurricanes Irma and Maria, the lack of adequate response from the local and federal government left thousands of families without assistance to repair or rebuild their homes. CDBG-DR funds may present an opportunity to ensure secure ceilings. However, the lack of clarity in eligibility criteria threatens owners who lack "formal qualifications". The refusal to accept a uniform test-title mechanism with alternate evidence would leave thousands unattended.
FEMA required that eligible applicants in the island have "formal titles" to demonstrate ownership. To make recovery assistance under the Individuals and Households Program depend on this requirement was an unjust and disparate application of federal and Puerto Rican laws, which do not require any legal documents to prove ownership of a property. It is estimated that between 40,000 and 70,000 eligible applicants were denied assistance for this reason.
After a long process led by Ayuda Legal Puerto Rico and other organizations, FEMA recognized applicable legal regulations and accepted a statement under oath prepared by ALPR as alternate proof of ownership. This document does not require assistance from a notary or legal representation but is completed by each applicant. The adoption of this document paved the way for thousands of people who, almost two years after the hurricanes, have not yet received the necessary assistance to repair their homes. Advocates and entities continue to insist that FEMA notify people of their right to use this document.
On October 30th, 2018, Ayuda Legal Puerto Rico sent the Puerto Rico Department of Housing a legal analysis and recommendations related to alternative proofs of ownership. The letter was sent along with a declaration model, adjusted to CDBG-DR. The document follows the example of the one accepted by FEMA and used in jurisdictions like Texas. We received the following answer:
“We acknowledge receipt. We trust that together we will rebuild Puerto Rico.”

Basic rights in just recovery
Ayuda Legal Puerto Rico has identified basic rights within just recovery. These include the right to dignified housing, the right of people to stay or return to their communities when it is a safe alternative, the right not to suffer discrimination in the processes of reconstruction and recovery, the right to decide where they want to live, the right to a safe environment and the right to effective participation.
Jornada de Participación Comunitaria
The Jornada is a loose-coalition of communities and organizations that demand just recovery. It is geared to educate about CDBG-DR funds, promote human rights advocacy regarding the right to housing and community participation.